Ever wonder how long you can actually say something over and over again? Have kids? I feel like sometimes I should just record my voice and have it play all day long all over the house. It would save my voice and throat in the long run.
But I guess an essential part of learning is having to hear things over and over again. To make those mistakes and hear the same thing over and over again to make sure you got it clear. You would think this was for only children but I have been paying more attention to repetition of adults lately. Seems we sometimes too need to hear the same things over and over again. Example: I love you. No human being is ever going to go anywhere or be a better person without ever hearing or knowing someone in this vast world loves them. The human way is to know love and it is the greatest emotion the human race can experience. We seen so much time and not even money looking for it. With online dating sites and Facebook, the possibilities are endless.
Sometimes we can't help but repeat what we're feeling. It makes us feel better. Sometimes dealing with anger we repeat over and over again the whys until the ultimate feeling of letting go is achieved. No one really knows how long it takes to continuously hear the answers or to hear the opinions of those before they "learn" the desired out come. And this is different per human being. I know plenty of persons that can let go and be done with a situation or even another person at the drop of a hat.
Whatever your situation or mantra, as with my daughter... sometimes it takes a few repeats to get it right!